Since childhood my life has been unstable and chaotic. My mom passed away when I was 2 years old. My dad lived an unpredictable life where I was left with strangers or even alone while he was living a life of crime. He was eventually arrested and sentenced to prison. I was then moved around among family members, never having a stable home. As I got older I began experiencing depression and sadness. At age 14, I began a downward spiral into drugs and unhealthy relationships. This became my new life and my new family. I had broken the trust with the relatives I was living with and they began to look into other living options for me. I reached out to my cousin Megan to see if I could live with her and her new husband. They quickly made arrangements for me to move in with them. This meant living in a new state, new school, and new community. I was very happy and excited to be living with my new family. They wanted to adopt me! However, I was not prepared for the feeling of loss missing my friends and community in Montana. I began to repeat the same coping skills using drugs and creating a new destructive social circle. Then I hit rock bottom and decided to end this vicious cycle and my hopeless life through attempting suicide. I was newly exploring truths about Christ and even gave my life to Him with my new mom. Then we learned about Springboard Home. I learned that my life was driven by emotions. I was closed off, self-conscious, and trusted no one. The most important thing to me was that everyone would like me. Now I know that not only does God love me, He created me with a specific plan and purpose. He says that I am unique, destined for great things, and a beautiful creation. I am confident in the relationship I have with God. I have surrendered my life choices and decisions to Him.
—Josephine, Age 16