“One thing I would like to take from Springboard is the discipline. I lived a pretty rough life and grew up really fast. I mean who hasn’t! It felt like juvenile detention and treatment centers were always in the picture in my life, but none of those places had the right discipline.
I was so used to getting yelled at and expecting a consequence that it meant nothing to me when I did get in trouble. The consequences were repetitive, the verbal abuse, the lectures, and even the restraints. The authorities that were placed over me would try to taunt and scare me saying, ‘You are eligible for (Juvenile prison, higher than juvenile detention).’
When I say taunt, I’m talking about the fact that their meaning behind what they were saying was “get ready, be prepared, it’s a lot worse so many things could happen.” The discipline these other places had were just scare tactics which did not work on me. My response to that discipline was fighting back, yelling, or arguing, just to prove the point that I was not scared of them. This kind of discipline never helped me to grow, if anything it set me back.
I was used to adults just yelling at me and I wanted that. I wanted to fight. I used to manipulate adults into fighting. But that didn’t work with you guys. You didn’t yell, you would just say, “Oh, that’s a bummer that that happened, what are we going to do about that” and calmly address the issue without yelling or arguing or overreacting.
That confused me because I had never had that kind of discipline before. It taught me that there are other ways to handle situations other than yelling and arguing, which was the only way that adults in my life had ever modeled how to handle conflict or how to discipline.
It also taught me that Jesus is a graceful and loving God and showed me how He deals with me too.
Springboard provided a structured grace-based discipline that encouraged me to evaluate myself and move forward. Most of the times I made mistakes I would beat myself up and put myself down. But with moving forward, Springboard taught me that there needs to be forgiveness both ways, to myself and to others.
Another form of discipline Springboard uses is “stripping away distractions” such as social media, secular music and worldly events. The goal with stripping away these distractions is to help us become content with where we are at so we don’t seek out things that could end up leading us astray.”